Wednesday, September 30, 2009

SHS Class of '70 Will and Prophecy, Part 2

SHS Class of '70 Will and Prophecy, courtesy of Kim Wood McCabe

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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Hill, Peggy (Engeseth)

I married at 19 and had two sons Jason and Jeremy who also graduated from Snohomish High. Divorced at 31 and then I discovered myself. I worked for a local company for 27 years -- they closed and the property now houses the Snohomish Public Library. When my boys finished school and left home I suffered extreme empty nest syndrome so enrolled myself into EVCC and earned a degree in Accounting. After 16 years of being single I married another Snohomish High School graduate (1966), and have settled into a contented life. I’ve lived within 15 miles of Snohomish and cannot imagine being anywhere else. For the last two years I’ve been doing mostly contract work. It’s been hard to find the ‘family’ atmosphere that I had when I worked for Central Feed.

I have two grandsons, Trent and Riley. My husband has a daughter with four children but they live in Neah Bay and we only see them a few times a year. I keep myself busy, I’ve done all the crafts, ceramics, tole painting, scrapbooking, quilting, enjoy gardening and I read a LOT. I’ve been really lucky, always had a good job and haven’t had to struggle much. I see classmates around town and keep in touch with a few of them. Looking forward to seeing everyone again.
Peggy Hill Engeseth

SHS Class of '70 Will and Prophecy, Part 1

SHS Class of '70 Will and Prophecy, courtesy of Kim Wood McCabe

click in images to enlarge, right click to save

Monday, September 28, 2009

Kla-Ta-Wa, '67, Freshman Annual, 9th Grade, Part 3

Row 1: Jack Barker*, Randy Recor, Linda Reddington, John Reed, Rod Reed, Harry Renken, Bob Reynolds
Row 2: Steve Rice, Pat Rogers, Jenese Rohr, Steve Romberger, Jane Rowe, Mike Brownfield
Row 3: Chris Rudell, Linda Ryner, Glenn Santeford, Don Scholl
Row 4: Mark Schoonover, Karla Schutt, Gayle Schwarzmiller, Jackie Schweigert, JoAnn Seipp, Kerry Schuler
Row 5: Rick Sigurdson, Alan Skyles, Gayle Sluman, Jim Snyder, Sam Sorenson, Laurie Steinhaus
Row 6: Don Sterley, Bob Stevens, Pam Stewart, Rick Stewart
Row 7 Chris Stites, Mark Stobb, Robin Storey, Larry Stuvland, Bonnie Surdyk, Maralee Swanson
Row 8: Kirk Sweeney, Chuck Swoboda, Bill Syverson, Cyndy Taylor, Gordon Taylor, Lynn Taylor, Shelley Tester

*Mis-identified in the annual as Jack Racker

Row 1: Trudy Tester*, Joe Thaut, Donna Thomas, Karen Thomas, Vickie Thomas, Kurt Thompson
Row 2: Paul Toivonen, Eric Tronsrud, Dave Troupe, Sandy Troupe, Harry Turner, Ken VanAssche
Row 3: Rod VanAssche, Henry Vandervanter, Joe Vaninetti, Vern Vogtman, Gladys Washena, Leslie Welch
Row 4: Jeff Welcome, Mary Jo White, Nancy White, Stan Wiczulis, Wayne Wilkins, Pete Wilkinson
Row 5: Kevin Williams, Arlene Williamson, Dorothie Wilson, Gale Wolfe, Kim Wolk, Frank Woodbury
Row 6: Steve Woodbury, Kim Wood, Janice Wright, Debbie Wright, Don Wright, Chris Yesland
Row 7: Con Yoder, Melinda Zemple, Marcella Zinn

*Trudy Ferro

Future Homemakers of America (lots of Class of 70)

Freshman Basketball

Kla-Ta-Wa, '67 Freshman Annual, 9th Grade, Basketball, Future Homemakers, Panther, Transportation

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Sunday, September 27, 2009

Kla-Ta-Wa, '67, Freshman Annual, 9th Grade, Part 2

Row 1: Steve Greig, Yvonne Gregory, Colleen Grote, Cindy Grow, Max Gruber, Mike Haase
Row 2: Jeff Hammons, Chris Hansen, Craig Hansen, Rudy Hansen, Ed Harden, Sue Harkness
Row 3: Dick Harrington, Jonell Harris, Jeanine Haugen, Diane Hausserman, Davina Heater, Nancy Heath
Row 4:  Mark Heckel, Kerry Hedahl, Linda Hedman, Ken Heichel
Row 5: Ken Heitman, Chris Hendrickson, Beverly Helstkind, Renee Hibbert, Ernie Hill, Peggy Hill
Row 6: Mike Hinchen, Arnie Hinds, Elaine Hintze, KC Hitken, Ken Hoerath, Stan Hogsett
Row 7: Margaret Holt, Steve Humphries, Jerry Ingalls, Lin Ingstad, Mickey James, Linda Jastad
Row 8: Leslie Jastad, Wendy Jewett. Tom Johansen, Kris Johnson, Larry Johnson, Mark Johnson

Row 1: Shirley Johnson, Vickie Johnson, Bob Jones, Colleen Jones, Tom Jones, Dawn Jursch
Row 2: Pat Keaton, Lanore Keller, Carrie Kendall, Debbie Kendall, Melanie Kent, Mary Kibbie
Row 3: Cindy Kimbrel, Rocky Kinney, Debbie Kirby, Janet Klinker, Mike Kloes, Diana Knott
Row 4: Roger Krause, Debbie Kreiger, Wayne Ladden, John Larsen
Row 5: Norma Larson, Kathy Lavery, Marilyn Lawson, Eddie Ledbetter, Ruby LeMaster, Nancy Lemon
Row 6: Pam Levin, Karen Lewis, Kathy Lewis, Kai Lindblom, John Lindsey, Sharon Lindsey
Row 7: Richard Littleton, Lennis Lively, Russ Long, Larry Lorentzen, Doug Love, Steve Love
Rpw 8: Larry Lurvey, Loren Lyon, Caryl Maddy, Joy Maddy, Chris Mansfield, George Mansfield

Row 1: Dale Marsh, Barb Martin, Mark Marzolf, Linda Mason, Pat Mason, Roger McCutchen. Lynn McGee
Row 2: Less McKinney, Linda Metzgar, Teri Miles, Paul Moon, Robert Moore, Lucile Morris
Row 3: Paul Morton, Yvonne Mundell, Karen Newman, Rita Nybeg
Row 4: Dan Nygaard, Kristine Oleson, Chris Olsen, Ann Olson, Keith Olson, Sharon Palella
Row 5: Pennee Palmer, Dan Parker, Leroy Payne, Fred Pearl, Cheryl Pearson, Ed Pearson
Row 6: Dave Pehling, Marilyn Pellham, Dan Pepin, Roger Perecz
Row 7: Mike Perez, Dan Peznecker, Kathy Peterson, Lorraine Peterson, Linda Phinney, Don Pike
Row 8: Tom Poier, Kim Powers, Al Praeger, Kathi Prater, Eddie Puchelt, Randy Quackenbush, Denise Raines

Kla-Ta-Wa, '67, Freshman, 9th Grade, Annual

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Saturday, September 26, 2009

Kla-Ta-Wa, '67, Freshman Annual, 9th Grade, Part 1

Front Cover

Front and Back Inside Cover


Freshman Class Officers: Mr Bolke, Dawn Jursch, Keith Olson, Debbie Wright

Row 1: Cathy Adams, Colleen Allen, Claudine Anderson, Jay Anderson, Darlene Armes, Lynn Aubert
Row 2: Debbie Bachart, Colleen Bagwell, Ken Bailey, Tom Bannworth, Linda Barry, Doreen Bartelheimer
Row 3: Ellaine Bates, Cecelia Bean, Molly Belmore, Jan Berg
Row 4: George Biggerstaff, Greg Bisnett, Ronald Blevins, Jeff Boyd
Row 5: Teresa Boyd, Kathy Braschler, Kathy A. Brown, Kathy M. Brown, Laurel Brown, Linda Bruskrud
Row 6: Cindy Bueler, Brian Bunney, Candy Button, Wendy Button, Mary Cahoon, Doug Carlson, Connie Coffman
Row 7: Stella Chapman, Linda Charley, Mike Charley, Rose Charles, Tim Chonzena, Joe Chriscaden
Row 8: Kathy Cline, Dave Coffman, Virgil Collins, Terry Comstock, Bob Cook, Ray Cook

Row 1: Rene Cooper, Kerry Cottrell, Claudia Crawford, Doug Crawford, Mike Crocker, Doug Curl, Steve Curnutt
Row 2: Chris Dahlbeck, Melody Dana, Gary Danklefsen, Mike Daurie, Diana Davis, Kathy Davis, Mike Davis
Row 3: Karen Dawson, Dan DeBellis, Dale Deirling, Dan Derlinde
Row 4: Louise DeVault, Terri Dickerson, Kristy Downes, Lyn Dreitzler
Row 5: Allen Eddleman, Herb Eddleman, Terry Englebretson, Vicki Engseth, Janet Engstrom, Elaine Erickson, Wendy Ermence
Row 6: Elaine Eshom, Robert Ferrell, Kerry Fifield, Karen Fincher, Susan Finney, Joan Fisher, Sunny Fisher
Row 7: Gordon Forbus, Lorna Ford, Jim Fredrickson, Mike George, Sam George, Vicki Gerry
Row 8: Laura Gilbert, Cathy Gilbertson, Jim Gilbertson, Scott Gillies, John Goodrich, Gaye Greenleaf
Kla-Ta-Wa '67, Freshman Annual, 9th grade

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Friday, September 25, 2009

20 Year Class Reunion Group Picture, 1990

20 Year Class Reunion Group Picture, 1990, scan courtesy of Keith Olson

clilck to enlarge, right click to save

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Grow, Cindy (Warring)

Hi! In school my name was Cindy Grow. I went to Snohomish schools until my senior year. I actually graduated from Everett High, but feel that good old SHS is my alma mater. My family moved to Everett in my senior year. I would very much like to be included in Snohomish's reunion. It would be great to see all the old friends.

I am married with 3 children and 6 grandchildren.
Cindy Grow Warring

Jones, Colleen (Bowdish)

Got married in 1970, got divorced after 5 yrs and 2 kids, and have been single ever since. Been all over the place working for the airlines for the last 20 yrs and love it. Have finally kinda sorta settled in Fort Lauderdale Flordia and have been here for the last 4 yrs. Love it here and my life here.

I moved to Alaska in 1982 and stayed there until 1996 working for the oil companies as an accountant. Retired from them in 1991 and went to work scheduling flight crews for the airlines. When MarkAir went under I came back south and have been with 5 airlines since. Most of the airlines I worked for have gone under so it is “move on to the next one, where ever that may be.”

I lost my significant other last year after 22 years together so I am alone again, no complaints there. I love being single and plan on staying that way. I also lost my oldest boy in a car accident in Marysville in 1992 so I have 2 surviving boys…my 36 year old son lives in North Carolina and has a girl (11 yrs old) and a boy(9yrs old), my baby is 26 and lives in Riverside California and has one girl (4 yrs old).
Otherwise not much going on in my life, I have been in contact with several of my old classmates and we have been talking about the up coming reunion and I think I will make it to this one….

Colleen Jones Bowdish

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

8th Grade Sport Clippings from Gale Wolfe's Scrapbook

These articles and clippings are from Gale Wolfe's scrapbook, generously shared by Keith Olson. The newspaper clippings are from The Tribune. The articles are from the SJHS newspaper, written by Yvonne Mundell.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Tawanka, '66, 8th Grade Junior High Annual, Part 4

8th Grade Football Cheerleaders: Jenese Rohr, Dawn Jurisch, Janet Klinker, Debbie Wright, Ruby LeMaster
8th Grade Football Songleaders: Karen Lewis, Jackie Schweigert, Kathy Lewis, Denise Raines

8th Grade Football Team: Row 1: Richard Littleton, Ken Heichel, Kai Lindblom, Rod VanAssche, Dave Troupe, Ken Heitman, Steve Rice, Keith Olson, Joe Thaut, Jerry Turk, Roger McCutchen, Chuck Swoboda, Jim Gilbertson
Row 2: Mike Freal, Herb Eddleman, Doug Crawford, Jeff Hammons, Dave Coffman, Mark Schoonover, Bob Stevens, Greg Bisnett, Larry Stuvland, Kirk Sweeney, Lee Jensen, Mike Bates, Fred Pearl, Paul Moon, Gary Danklefsen, Randy Grigg
Row 3: Coach Meiers, Loren Lyon, Henry Vandevanter, Mark Stobb, Gale Wolfe, Sam Sorensen, Tom Poier, Pat Keaton, Chris Ruddell, Coach Maw, Kerry Cottrell
Row 4: Mike Hinchen, Jay Anderson, Kim Powers, Rick Sigurdson, Glenn Santeford, Tom Bannworth, Gordy Taylor, Chris Yesland, Don Warner

Track: Row 1: Steve Humphries, Con Yoder, Ken Hoerath, Keith Olson, Steve Rice, Bruce Carrick, Rick Packebush, Jon Taylor, Tom Cram, Charles Herring, Larry Johnson, Pat Keaton, Mike Bates, Neil Vannoy
Row 2: Mr. Hall, Bob Stevens, Kerry Cottrell, Joe Thaut, Lee Jensen, Dave Troupe, Chuck Swoboda, Kurt Birglen, Tom Bannworth, Don Sterley, Jim Snyder, Rick Sigurdson, Don Warner
Row 3: Charles Hickson, Don Holt, Mike Keller, Glenn Santeford, Steve Romberger, Dick Hopkins, Mark Claffey, Doug Crawford, Kai Lindblom, Dann DeBellis, Ken Heichel, Mr. Martens
Row 4: Wayne Funk, John Bachart, Ben Krause, Jim Sekulich, Chuck Sursley, Steve Livers, Mike Evans, Mike Link, Kit Norton, Paul Martin
Row 5: Dennis Howe, John Blair, Terry Surdyk, Tad Romberger, John Thomas, Joe Stevens, David Clay

Wrestling: Row 1: John Thomas, Chuck West, Mike Yaskus, Tony Moore, Mike Carr, Lee Jensen, Harry Renken, Joe Stevens
Row 2: Steve Rice, Mike Bates, Kim Powers, Mark Marzolf, Don Warner, Henry Vandervanter, Jerry Turk
Row 3: Raymond Peterson, Mike Raines, Tom Stevens, Kenny Englebretson, Tom Cram, Tad Romberger, Allen Cooper, Rod Reed, Randy Aschenbrenner
Row 4: Bruce Wixson, Barry McGee, Tim Gerrard, Glenn Santeford, Jeff Vaughn, Paul Toivonen, John Taylor, Don Holt, Con Yoder
Row 5: Mr. Hansen, Pat Keaton, Doug Crawford, Kurt Thompson, Barry Alexander, Mike Dollinger, Mr. Hall

8th Grade Basketball Cheerleaders: Janet Klinker, Ruby LeMaster, Debbie Bachart, Jenese Rohr, Debbie Wright

8th Grade Basketball Team: Row 1: Coach Haldi, Gary Danklefsen, Dave Troupe, Tom Poier, Jim Gilbertson, Joe Thaut, Roger McCutchen, Paul Moon, Keith Olson
Row 2: Roger Krause, Ken Heichel, Mark Schoonover, Stan Wiczulis, Chuck Swoboda, Tom Bannworth, Sam Sorenson, Scott Gillies
Row 3: Randy Grigg, Fred Pearl, Kerty Cottrell, Richard Littleton, Don Wright, Mark Stobb, Mike Freal

8th Grade Basketball Songleaders: Dawn Jurisch, Kathy Lewis, Lynn Taylor, Jackie Schweigert, Karen Lewis
Tawanka, 8th Grade, '66, Junior High Annual, scans courtesy Keith Olson

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Monday, September 21, 2009

Tawanka, '66, 8th Grade Junior High Annual, Part 3

'66 SJHS Faculty and Staff: Row 1 (L-R): Mr. Snow, Mr. Campbell
Row 2 (L-R): Mr. Anderson, Mrs. Boersma, Mr. Booker, Mr. Cahill, Mrs. Carboneau, Mr. Chambers, Mr. Davis
Row 3 (L-R): Mr. Freeman, Mr. Haldi, Mr. Hall, Mrs. Hansen, Mrs. Hill, Mr. Iverson
Row 4 (L-R): Mr. Jacobson, Mrs. Johnson, Mr. Kinsey, Mrs. Loreen, Mr. Males, Mr. Martens, Mr. Maw
Row 5 (L-R): Mr. Meiers, Mrs. Murphy, Mrs. Overturf, Mr. Rodland, Mr Stangvik, Miss Strutz, Mrs. Stradly
Row 6 (L-R): Mrs. Fankhauser, Mrs. Kelly, Mrs. Lokken, Mrs. Pace, Mr. Stevens, Mrs. West

8th Grade Band

8th Grade Band


Science Fair
Winners: Nancy Heath, Kathy Lawler, Teresa Courtney, Lee Jensen, Chuck Swoboda, Tom Bannworth, Jeff Boyd, Yvonne Mundell, Caryl Maddy, Vickie Gerry

Tawanka, 8th Grade, Junior High Annual, '66, Faculty and Staff, Band, Choir, Science Fair. Scans courtesy Keith Olson

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Friday, September 18, 2009

Tawanka, '66, 8th Grade, Junior High Annual, Part 2

Row 1 (L-R): Dawn Jurisch, Pat Keaton, Carrie Kendall, Melanie Kent, Mary Kibbie, Cindy Kimbrel
Row 2 (L-R): Rocky Kinney, Janet Klinker, Diana Knott, Roger Krause, John Larsen, Norma Larson, Kathy Lavery
Row 3 (L-R): Marilyn Lawson, Ruby LeMaster, Karen Lewis, Kathy Lewis, Kai Lindblom, Richard Littleton
Row 4 (L-R): Lennis Lively, Russ Long, Larry Lorentzen, Steve Love, Larry Lurvey, Loren Lyon, Roger McCutchen
Row 5 (l-R): Lynn McGhee, Les McKinney, Caryl Maddy, Joy Maddy, Chris Mansfield, George Mansfield, Barb Martin
Row 6 (l-R): Mark Marzolf, Linda Mason, Linda Metzgar, Teri Miles, Margie Miller, Paul Moon, Bob Moore

Row 1 (L-R): Lucy Morris, Paul Morton, Yvonne Mundell, Karen Neumann,Rita Nyberg, Kristine Oleson, Christine Olson
Row 2 (L-R): Ann Olson, Keith Olson, Sharon Palella, LeRoy Payne, Fred Pearl, Dave Pehling, Marilyn Pellham
Row 3 (L-R): Dan Pepin, Dan Peznecker, Kathy Peterson, Lorraine Peterson, Linda Phinney, Tom Poier, Kim Powers
Row 4 (L-R): Alfred Praeger, Kathi Prater, Randy Quackenbush, Denise Raines, Linda Reddington, John Reed, Rod Reed
Row 5 (L-R): Harry Renken, Bob Reynolds, Steve Rice, Jenese Rohr, Steve Romberger, Jane Rowe, Chris Ruddell
Row 6 (L-R): Linda Ryner, Glenn Santeford, Don Scholl, Mark Schoonover, Karla Schutt, Gayle Swchwartzmiller, Jackie Schweigert

Row 1 (L-R): Joanne Seipp, Kerry Schuler, Rick Sigurdson, Alan Skyles, Gayle Sluman, Jim Snyder, Sam Sorensen
Row 2 (L-R): Laura Steinhaus, Don Sterley, Bob Stevens, Rick Stewart, Chris Stites, Mark Stobb, Robin Storey
Row 3 (L-R): John Strand, Larry Stuvland, Bonnie Surdyk, Maralee Swanson, Kirk Sweeney, Chuck Swoboda, Cindy Taylor
Row 4 (L-R): Gordy Taylor, Lynn Taylor, Shelley Tester, Joe Thaut, Donna Thomas, Karen Thomas, Vickie Thomas
Row 5 (L-R): Kurt Thompson, Paul Toivonen, Eric Tronsrud, Dave Troupe, Sandy Troupe, Jerry Turk, Ken VanAssche
Row 6 (L-R): Rod VanAssche, Henry Vandevanter, Joe Vaninetti, Don Warner, Gladys Washena, Allen Watson, Leslie Welch

Row 1 (L-R): Nancy White, Stan Wiczulis, Wayne Wilkins, Pete Wilkinson, Kevin Williams. Gale Wolfe, Kim Wolk
Row 2 (L-R): Frank Woodbury, Steve Woodbury, Kim Wood, Janis Woods, Debbie Wright, Don Wright, Chris Yesland
Row 3 (L-R): Con Yoder, Melinda Zemple, Marcella Zinn

Tawanka, '66, 8th Grade, Junior High Annual, scans courtesy of Keith Olson

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Tawanka, '66, 8th Grade, Junior High Annual, Part 1

Row 1 (L-R): Glen Allen, Sallie Allen, Claudine Anderson, Jay Anderson, Kris Anderson, Lynn Aubert, Debbie Bachart
Row 2 (L-R): Colleen Bagwell, Tom Bannworth, Jack Barker, Linda Barry, Doreen Bartleheimer, Ellaine Bates, Mike Bates
Row 3 (L-R): Cecelia Bean, Jan Berg, Debbie Bierly, Gregg Bisnett, Ronald Blevins, Jeff Boyd, Teresa Boyd
Row 4 (L-R): Kathy Brachler, Doranna Brown, Kathy A. Brown, Kathy M. Brown, Laurel Brown, Genney Brumley, Linda Bruskrud
Row 5 (L-R): Cindy Bueler, Bryan Bunney, Candy Button, Wendy Button, Mary Cahoon, Doug Carlson, Mike Carr
Row 6 (L-R): Connie Cauffman, Stella Chapman, Tim Chonzena, Kathy Cline, Dave Coffman, Terry Comstock, Ray Cook
Row 1 (L-R): Robert Cook, Kerry Cottrell, Claudia Crawford, Doug Crawford, Mike Crocker, Steve Curnutt, Christi Dahlbeck
Row 2 (L-R): Berneice Dalton, Melody Dana, Gary Danklefsen, Kathy Davis, Mike Davis, Dann DeBellis, Dale Deirling
Row 3 (L-R): Louise DeVault, Terry Dickerson, Kristy Downes, Lynn Dreitzler, Allen Eddleman, Herb Eddleman, Theresa Engelbretson
Row 4 (L-R): Janet Engstrom, Don Erickson, Elaine Erickson, Wendy Ermence, Elaine Eshom, Karen Fincher, Susan Finney
Row 5 (L-R): Joan Fisher, Lorna Ford, Mike Freal, Vicki Gerry, Laura Gilbert, Cathy Gilbertson, Jim Gilbertson
Row 6 (L-R): Scott Gillies, John Goodrich, Gaye Greenleaf, Yvonne Gregory, Randy Grigg, Colleen Grote, Cindy Grow
Row 1(L-R): Mike Haase, Robert Hahn, Jeff Hammons, Chris Hansen, Craig Hansen, Sue Harkness, Ed Harper
Row 2 (L-R): Dick Harrington, Tony Hartman, Diane Hauserman, Davina Heater, Nancy Heath, Mark Heckel, Kerry Hedahl
Row 3 (L-R): Linda Hedman, Ken Heichel, Ken Heitman, Chris Hendrickson, Renee Hibbert, Ernie Hill, Peggy Hill
Row 4 (L-R): Mike Hinchen, Arnie Hinds, Ken Hoerath, Stan Hogsett, Margaret Holt, Steve Humphries, Lin Ingstad
Row 5 (L-R): Sam Irwin, Donna Jacintho, Lee Jensen, Ed Jewett, Wendy Jewett, Tom Johanson, Kristie Johnson
Row 6 (L-R): Larry Johnson, Shirley Johnson, Vicki Johnson, Colleen Jones, Gene Jones, Bob Jones, Tom Jones
Tawanka, '66, 8th Grade, Junior High Annual- scans courtesy of Keith Olson
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