Row 1: Joan Fisher, Karen Ford, Lorna Ford, Frank Francis, Kenny Franz, Mike Freal, Jim Frederickson
Row 2: Mark Fuchs, Pam Galbraith, Gail Gammon, Mike George, Sam George, Vicki Gerry, Laura Gilbert
Row 3: Cathy Gilbertson, Jim Gilbertson, Scott Gillies, John Goodrich, Chris Gray, Bonnie Grayum
Row 4: Gaye Greenleaf, Yvonne Gregory, Colleen Grote, Cindy Grow, Max Gruber
Row 5: Mike Haase, Jeff Hammons, Chris Hansen, Craig Hansen, Sue Harkness, Ed Harper*
Row 6: Dick Harrington, Jonell Harris, Jeanine Haugen, Diane Hausserman, Evelyn Hawley
Row 7: Nancy Heath, Mark Heckel, Kerry Hedahl, Linda Hedman, Eileen Heirman, Ken Heitman
Row 8: Chris Hendrickson, Kip Henson, Vivienne Hess, Renee Hibbert, Ernie Hill, Peggy Hill, Mike Hinchen
Row 9: Arnie Hinds, Elaine Hintze, Ken Hoerath**, Tom Holden, Margaret Holt, Steve Humphries, Jerry Ingalls
* Erroneously listed on the row below
**Misidentified in the annual- picture is John Reed
Row 1: David Ion, Mickey James, Leslie Jastad, Linda Jastad, Lee Jensen, Ron Jensen, Wendy Jewett
Row 2: Tom Johanson, Alan Johnson, Kris Johnson, Larry Johnson, Mark Johnson, Shirley Johnson, Colleen Jones
Row 3: Dawn Jursch, Pat Keaton, Lanroee Keller, Carrie Kendall, Debbie Kendall, Melanie Kent
Row 4: Cindy Kimbrel, Corey King, Janet Klinker, Tom Klutz, Jim Kopecky
Row 5: Roger Krause, Debbie Kreiger, Sue LaComb, Wayne Fadden***, Norma Larson, Kathy Lavery
Row 6: Marilyn Lawson, Valerie LeBar, Ed Ledbetter, Ruby LeMaster, Pam Levin
Row 7: Karen Lewis, Kathy Lewis, Nancy Lemon, Terri Ligon, Richard Littleton, Lennis Lively
Row 8: Doug Love, Steve Love, Larry Lurvey, Tom Luxmore, Loren Lyon, Caryl Maddy, Chris Mansfield
Row 9: George Mansfield, Dale Marsh, Barb Martin, Mark Marzolf, Linda Mason, Pat Mason, Jim Mathews
***Misidentified in annual
Row 1: Ronnett Mathison, Roger McCutchen, Lynn McGhee, Mike McGlinchy, Les McKinney, Ruth McNeil, Linda Metzgar
Row 2: Teri Miles, Bob Miller, Dave Mitchell, Paul Moon, Paul Morton, Yvonne Mundell, Summer Murdock
Row 3: Karen Neumann, Chris Newerf, Nan Newerf, Chris Neilson, Dea Nitz, Rita Nyberg
Row 4: Dan Nygaard, Kris Oleson, Chris Olson, Ann Olson, Keith Olson
Row 5: Sharon Palella, Penee Palmer, Dan Parker, Fred Pearl, Cheryl Pearson, Ed Pearson
Row 6: Dave Pehling, Marilyn Pellham, Dan Pepin, Riger Perecz, Mike Perez
Row 7: Dana Person, Dan Pesznecker, Lorraine Peterson, Carolyn Plachecki, Tom Poier, Kim Powers
Row 8. Al Praeger, Kathi Prater, Eddie Puchelt, Randy Quackenbush, Denise Raines, Randy Recor, Linda Reddington
Row 9: John Reed****, Rod Reed, Harry Renken, Steve Rice, Pat Rogers, Richard Romanick, Steve Romberger
****Misidentified in annual- picture is Ken Hoerath
Snohomish Class of 1970, Kla-Ta-Wa '69 Junior 11th Grade Annual
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