Row 1: Alan Skyles, Adreinne Smith, Merilyn Smithson
Row 2: Jim Snyder, Laurie Steinhaus
Row 3: Don Sterley, Robert Stevens
Row 4: Chris Stites, Mark Stobb, Robin Storey
Row 1: Larry Stuvland, Bonnie Surdyk, Maralee Swanson
Row 2: Kirk Sweeney, Gordon Taylor
Row 3: Lynn Taylor, Shelley Tester, Joel Thaut
Row 4: Donna Thomas, Karen Thomas, Kurt Thompson
Row 1: Paul Toivonen, Dennis Trautman, David Troupe
Row 2: Sandra Troupe, Harry Turner
Row 3: Ken Van Assche, Rodney Van Assche, Henry Vandevanter
Row 4: Dorothy Vervalen, Robert Wahlstrom, Janet Ward
Row 1: Gladys Washena, Leslie Welch, Nancy White
Row 2: Bill Weiland, Wayne Wilkins
Row 3: Kevin Williams, Arlene Williamson
Row 4: Dorothie Wilson, Cheryl Winter, Gale Wolfe
Row 1: Kim Wolk, Kim Wood, Debbie Wright
Row 2: Don Wright, Larry Yeaman
Row 3: Christopner Yesland, Melinda Zemple
Row 4: Marcella Zinn, Fred Zylstra
Snohomish High School Class of 1970, Senior 12th grade Annual
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