Friday, July 20, 2018

Class Picnic August 11, 2018

A message from Caryl Maddy deJong:

Good morning, all!

We will be having the annual class picnic on August 11, from 3:00 p.m. to dark at Dan Parker's home on Lords Hill.  Hamburgers and hotdogs, with all the fixin's will be provided.  Please bring a salad or dessert and your own beverages.  Please bring your own cooler, as well.

It would be very helpful if you rsvp to this e-mail address so we have a rough head count for the burgers and hotdogs.  

If you have e-mail addresses for any classmates that you don't see listed above, please forward this to them, and then send me their e-mail address so I can add it to the master list.

I will miss this year's event as we have an extended family trip to the San Juan islands planned for that weekend.  I hope everyone has a terrific time.  Just think - the 50 year reunion is only two years away!  Can you believe it!  

Take care,

Caryl Maddy de Jong

I won't be able to attend, but if anyone takes pictures that they'd like to share, please email jpgs or bmps to me at:   I'll post them