Friday, November 13, 2009

Kla-Ta-Wa 1970 Senior 12th Grade Annual- Part 4

Row 1: Cookie Heirman, Kenneth Heitman, Christine Hendrickson
Row 2: Kipton Henson, Renee Hibbert
Row 3: Peggy Hill, William E. Hill
Row 4: Mike Hinchen, Arnie Hinds, Elaine Hintze

Row 1: Ken Hoerath, Margaret Holt, Steven Humphries
Row 2: Jerry Ingalls, Leslie Jastad
Row 3: Linda Jastad, Lee Jensen, Wendy Jewett
Row 4: Thomas Johanson, Alan Johnson, Kristine Johnson

Row 1: Larry Johnson, Mark Johnson, Shirley Johnson
Row 2: Colleen Jones, John P. Keaton
Row 3: Carrie Kendall, Debbie Kendall, Cindy Kimbrel
Row 4: Janet Klinker, Thomas Kluttz, Roger Krause

Row 1: Debbie Kreiger, Sue Lacomb, Daneen Lady
Row 2: Norma Larson, Kathryn Lavery
Row 3: Marilyn Lawson, Valerie Lebar
Row 4: Ed Ledbetter, Ruby LeMaster, Nancy Lemon

Kla-Ta-Wa 1970 Senior 12th Grade Annual, Snohomish High School Class of 1970

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